
A free sample! Watch the toothpick...

 First, imagine it's hot outside...

A word of advice to the gentleman who knocked on my door the other day.
Don't come back without a receipt.

Recently, we purchased a little tiny air conditioner, and dropped the old one out on the curb. Around here, we believe in recycling.Or reusing. Or something like that. Generally, anything intact is usually scooped up from your curb within 2 hours of it being placed there. So far, we have supplied some lucky people with a partly busted sofabed, a shoe rack, and a broken photo-enlarger. In fact, we watched the sofabed roll down the street perched precariously atop a shopping cart, led by two enterprising gentlemen. Somewhere nearby, someone's cousin is calling 911 to remove his arm from the gap in the springs...

Therefore, it seemed that giving away a servicable air conditioner in the midst of a multi-day heatwave would not be a complicated task. I even made a note, taped to the box in which the machine sat stating that it works, and had been replaced by a small one, and was free for the taking

Less than 45 minutes after it hit the curb, there was a knock on the door. A nicely dressed gentleman, of middling age stood on my porch. Without so much as a hello, he said, "What's wrong with that air conditioner?"

"Not a thing", said I.

"So it works?"

"Sure does", I said.

"Can I take it home and try it out and bring it back if it doesn't work?"

I did my best, but I must admit I snorted when he said this. Instead of some smart remark, I simply said "Look, it works. If you want it, take it, but then it's yours."

He scratched his head a little, seemed to size me up, then said "So can I take it?"

"Please", said I.

Now, I understand a certain level of suspicion when shopping at the "sidewalk sale" in front of my home.
But what kind of impressive expectations do you have to have to ask to test drive my discarded appliances? You're not paying a cent, and for that, you take a chance.

Besides, if I write "Works" on a sign and stick it on the appliance in question, do you think that by asking me in person you will force me to admit that yes, it was all a clever ruse to make you take it, but by knocking on my door, you have cleverly foiled my master plan?

I'm considering leaving a bag of money on the lawn to see if something similar happens. And no, I won't call you to tell you when.